
Découvrez les applications de la technologie du vide des fours industriels ou de laboratoire, dans la branche aéronautique, automobile et médical.

Le procédé MIM comparé au procédé Binder Jetting [1/2]

Le moulage par injection de métal (MIM) est une technologie mature utilisée pour la production à grande échelle de composants petits et complexes avec une haute précision et qui ne nécessitent pas de traitement ultérieur.

Quel est l'inconvénient/l’aspect negatif du Moulage par Injection de Métal?

Existe-t-il des alternatives?

On va regarder une technologie moins chère et plus polyvalente, le Jet de liant 3D (3D  Binder Jetting), en analysant les avantages et les inconvénients.

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Publié sur 11/15/2018
Catégories: Applications

Additive manufacturing of nickel superalloys

What are Nickel-based superalloys?
What advantages do they provide in high-performance industrial applications?

Let's see how they are used in production processes through additive manufacturing technology and what are the advantages offered by special furnaces for vacuum heat treatment, regarding the components made with 3D printing.

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An introduction to powder metallurgy

Powder metallurgy is a cost effective way to create customised, strong and durable metal components for a huge range of industrial uses.
Learn about how powder metallurgy works and choose the right metal manufacturing solution for any industrial challenge.

This article provides a brief introduction to the various powder metallurgy techniques, including vacuum sintering and additive manufacturing. It suggests a few of the major benefits of implementing powder metallurgy, as well as some contemporary uses of the technique which could provide inspiration for future applications.

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Publié sur 5/10/2018
Catégories: Applications

Metal additive manufacturing and vacuum heat treatments

Additive Manufacturing (AM) is any of various processes of making three-dimensional solid objects from a digital file.
Unlike subtractive manufacturing methods that start with a solid block of material and then cut away the excess to create a finished part, additive manufacturing builds up a part (or features onto parts) layer by layer from geometry described in a 3D design model.

Discover how the additive manufacturing processing of metals makes it possible to design and build lightweight parts in real time and understand potential of heat treatments in vacuum for 3D printed parts.

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[FREE eBook] The ultimate guide to vacuum sintering

Powdered metal, metal injection molding (MIM), 3D printing, and other similar technologies can benefit greatly from the superior quality and flexibility of vacuum sintering. This complete guide to sintering in vacuum furnace offers you deep insight into the heat treatment process, and shows how an understanding of all aspects involved can be used practically to improve your products.

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