< 2020

Veröffentlicht am 5/10/2018
Kategorien: Anwendungen

Additive Fertigung mit Metallen und Vakuum-Wärmebehandlungen

Die additive Fertigung (AF) ist eines von vielen Verfahren zur Herstellung dreidimensionaler Festkörper auf Grundlage einer digitalen Datei.
Im Unterschied zu subtraktiven Fertigungsverfahren, bei denen das Ausgangsmaterial ein fester Materialblock ist, von dem so lange Material abgetragen wird, bis das Endprodukt fertiggestellt ist, wird bei der additiven Fertigung das Teil (bzw. einzelne Elemente auf Teile) Schicht für Schicht aufgebaut, basierend auf einer Geometrie, die in einem 3D-Design-Modell beschrieben ist.

Erfahren Sie, wie additive Fertigung mit Metallen das Design und die Produktion von leichten Metallteilen in Echtzeit ermöglicht und welches Potenzial Vakuum-Wärmebehandlungen für im 3D-Druck entstandene Teile bieten.

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Veröffentlicht am 4/6/2018
Kategorien: Instandhaltung

Save time and money with vacuum furnace maintenance [2/2]

Unexpected breakdown could bring operations to a halt. While there is no arguing with the fact that fixing something as soon as it breaks is important, what many people may not realize is that there are high costs associated with working in reactive mode. On the other hand, a proactive approach keeps your vacuum furnaces serviced and in working order through preventive and predictive maintenance. In particular, predictive maintenance (PdM) can help you make your furnaces more reliable and predictable through continuous monitoring and data analytics for mechanical and electrical conditions, operational efficiency and other performance indicators.

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[FREE eBook] The ultimate guide to vacuum sintering

Powdered metal, metal injection molding (MIM), 3D printing, and other similar technologies can benefit greatly from the superior quality and flexibility of vacuum sintering. This complete guide to sintering in vacuum furnace offers you deep insight into the heat treatment process, and shows how an understanding of all aspects involved can be used practically to improve your products.

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Veröffentlicht am 2/6/2018
Kategorien: Instandhaltung

Save time and money with vacuum furnace maintenance [1/2]

Like any other machine, your vacuum furnace can and will wear down over time – and if those little issues aren’t addressed, they can turn into big problems that require expensive future repairs or even furnace replacement. The way to keep your system running well for decades to come is to invest in regular preventative maintenance up front. Don't leave a potential disaster just waiting to happen! Learn how corrective maintenance can end up costing you more in the long run.

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Veröffentlicht am 12/13/2017
Kategorien: Luft- und Raumfahrt
Tags: Nadcap

Why do I need Nadcap for my heat-treating processes?

Quality is a crucial procurement consideration for companies in the aerospace and aviation industries. This is especially true for special processes and heat treating parts. Nadcap is an industry-managed approach to conformity assessment that brings together technical experts to establish requirements for accreditation, accredit suppliers and define operational program requirements. This results in a standardized approach to quality assurance.

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