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Publicado em 7/5/2023

How to optimize the energy consumption of your vacuum furnace (Pt.2)

In the first part of the article, we discussed how different designs impact the efficiency of vacuum furnaces in respect to their heating energy requirements.
Even though the energy used for heating undoubtedly represents the main energy consumption during vacuum heat treatments, several auxiliary systems can be present on vacuum furnaces (or in the plant housing the furnace); just think of the water-cooling system, the gas quenching system and, clearly, vacuum pumps.
Those auxiliary systems are essential to ensure proper functioning of a vacuum furnace, however, they can generate altogether a significant energy consumption source, especially when continuous operation is required.

Vacuum Pumps

Vacuum pumps are the components that allow a sealed, leak tight furnace to reach the desired vacuum level before starting the heat treatment.

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Publicado em 9/14/2022

TAV VACUUM FURNACES at the 27th IFHTSE Congress & European Conference on Heat Treatment 2022

From 5th to 8th September, TAV VACUUM FURNACES participated at the 27th IFHTSE Congress & European Conference on Heat Treatment 2022, held in Salzburg, Austria.

The International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering is an institution linking organizations around the world active in the fields of heat treatment and surface engineering, including national metallurgical and heat treatment association, such as the AIM (Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia), for which TAV VACUUM FURNACES is a supporting member.

IFHTSE regularly organize international conferences and congresses to promote sharing of knowledge between associations, universities, research institutes and companies.
The IFHTSE – ECHT 2022 covered many different topics related to heat treatment of steels and non-ferrous alloys, thermochemical treatments, coating technologies and finally, furnace technology.

As one of the major vacuum furnaces manufacturer, TAV VACUUM FURNACES gave a speech during the first day of the congress about the heat treatment of titanium alloys, more specifically, on the “Vacuum heat treatment of Ti6Al4V alloy produced via SLM additive manufacturing”. 

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