发布日期 11/11/2021

Do you know what Nadca 207 is?

I first encountered the Nadca 207 specification in 1999. At that time, a large die weighing 400 kg, hardened by our heat treatment plant, cracked in the die casting foundry, and the tool shop wanted to compensate us for the damage caused. We did not believe that the fault was on our side. But then we learned about the Nadca 207 specification, and because we had good contacts, we invited Mr. Corwyn Berger, one of the co-authors of the specification, to a lecture in the Czech Republic. His presentation "Extended tool life on die casting" permanently changed our views and the way we work in the heat treatment shop.


发布日期 9/1/2021

AMS 2750F Pyrometric requirements for thermal treatments: “Radiation Survey”

What are the requirements for a radiation survey according to AMS 2750F (Aerospace Material Specifications)?

First of all, it is important to state that such a survey is required under AMS 2750, exclusively for furnaces used for the Thermal Treatment of Aluminium Alloys and it is limited to process temperatures above 427°C.

Therefore, it is mainly for plants dedicated to Thermal Treatment of Solubilisation. The solubilisation temperature for many alloys is very close to the eutectic melting point and this is why in these types of furnaces, it is also necessary to test the radiation effect directly on the metal as well as measuring and certifying the temperature uniformity of the operating volume qualified within the limits required by the applicable specifications.


Vacuum sintering of stainless steels: how to choose the right sintering atmosphere

Stainless-steel components represent a large part of the market for sintered parts; they can be produced using many technologies and have a wide variety of applications such as automotive, biomedical industries, mechanical and fashion.

In this article we are going to discuss how sintering parameters, and especially the sintering atmosphere, may affect the quality achievable from sintered stainless-steel parts.
We’ll analyse the three gas options, and we’ll see that in some circumstances there are interesting alternatives that can fit your needs. Read on!


AMS 2750F pyrometric requirements for heat treatments: calibrating process instrumentation

There are many innovations introduced by AMS (Aerospace Material Specifications) 2750 revision F concerning the process instrumentation.

We will analyze the 4 new requirements requested by the legislation and the necessary precautions regarding the instrumentation calibration.

We will conclude by listing in detail all the information to be reported on the instrument calibration certificates.


AMS 2750F pyrometric requirements: what changes for the equipment of heat treatment furnaces

Revision F of the AMS (Aerospace Material Specifications) 2750 introduces three important changes concerning the equipment of the instrumentation of the heat treatment furnaces.

Which are the changes to the uniformity requirements required by the technical specifications of the process and by the technical specifications of the material?
How are the types of instrumentation of heat treatment plants classified?
And finally, what is the new D+ instrumentation type?


