发布日期 11/8/2022

What has changed in AMS (Aerospace Material Specifications) 2750 rev. G?

AMS 2750F has been reviewed and updated with the revision G at the end of June 2022, the document has the same length. Revision G deleted some tables, now there are only 22. Small changes have been made to better clarify the meaning. Transition requirements from Rev. E to Rev. F (allowed for 2 years) have been eliminated with only one transition exception:

  • Transition exception

Digital recording instruments that read only integers may be used for 1 year after the release of AMS 2750 Rev. G and must have a maximum calibration accuracy of ±1 °C or ±0.2% of the temperature reading rounded toward the smallest integer.

This latest transition is extended to 1 year after the release of Rev. G (see, so applicable from June 29, 2023 (as the last date), then all temperature recorders must be digital and read the decimal degree (°C or °F).

What has changed?

  • Rev. G removed all references to analog instruments, only the digital ones are allowed!
  • Sensitivity Test has been deleted and no longer required for digital instruments ....... however you should take into account your customers’ requirements.
  • For load sensors, required in vacuum furnaces, records must include sensor batch number, load cycle, temperature and usage count  which must include usage during SAT and TUS.
  • Table 6 rewritten to remove decimals – It rearranges Celsius version of Rev. E.


发布日期 9/14/2022

TAV VACUUM FURNACES at the 27th IFHTSE Congress & European Conference on Heat Treatment 2022

From 5th to 8th September, TAV VACUUM FURNACES participated at the 27th IFHTSE Congress & European Conference on Heat Treatment 2022, held in Salzburg, Austria.

The International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering is an institution linking organizations around the world active in the fields of heat treatment and surface engineering, including national metallurgical and heat treatment association, such as the AIM (Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia), for which TAV VACUUM FURNACES is a supporting member.

IFHTSE regularly organize international conferences and congresses to promote sharing of knowledge between associations, universities, research institutes and companies.
The IFHTSE – ECHT 2022 covered many different topics related to heat treatment of steels and non-ferrous alloys, thermochemical treatments, coating technologies and finally, furnace technology.

As one of the major vacuum furnaces manufacturer, TAV VACUUM FURNACES gave a speech during the first day of the congress about the heat treatment of titanium alloys, more specifically, on the “Vacuum heat treatment of Ti6Al4V alloy produced via SLM additive manufacturing”. 


发布日期 7/12/2022

Powder Metallurgy: do you know your powders? (Part II)
In the introduction of this article, we’ve already discussed how different powder metallurgy technologies rely on vacuum furnaces for critical steps of their production process, mentioning Metal Injection Molding (MIM), Binder Jetting (BJT), Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) and Direct Energy Deposition (DED) additive manufacturing.


