Fabrication Additive

Découvrez le potentiel des traitements thermiques sous vide dans la fabrication additive des métaux. Entrez dans le monde de l'impression 3D métal!
Publié sur 9/10/2019
Catégories: Applications

Why heat treating metals after additive manufacturing?

Additive Manufacturing means any technology capable of obtaining a final component starting from a 3D CAD file and adding material layer by layer. At a theoretical level, Additive Manufacturing only coincides with the 3D part construction phase. In reality, in order to fully understand this technology, a series of other preprinting and postprinting activities must be considered, which constitute the entire supply chain of Additive Manufacturing.

Read the article and discover the activities that precede and follow 3D printing, paying particular attention to the requirements of the materials and the processes necessary to obtain a high quality production.

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Publié sur 8/14/2019
Catégories: Applications

Steel additive manufacturing: a study on corrosion resistance

The mechanical characteristics and the density of the pieces produced by additive manufacturing with stainless steels have long been studied and are currently very high, that is, similar if not higher than those of traditionally manufactured parts.
Their resistance to corrosion is less well known and investigated.

To investigate the corrosion behavior, the Metallurgy section of the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry (DCCI) of the University of Genoa in collaboration with TAV VACUUM FURNACES, the Saiem Srl company and the CNR-ICMATE of Padua started the study of steel samples made using the SLM technique (Selective Laser Melting).

Let's discover the interesting laboratory results.

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Selective Laser Melting: obtaining the best fatigue performance

How do vacuum heat treatments affect the fatigue performance of components made with Selective Laser Melting technology?

We will analyze the relevant improvements obtained on products for the aerospace, medical and automotive sectors, thanks to the vacuum furnace posts‑processes of the components made with additive manufacturing (SLM).
Looking at the figures, we will conclude by exposing the interesting experimental results obtained in laboratory, thanks to a fruitful collaboration with an important university campus.

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Publié sur 3/11/2019
Catégories: Applications

Le procédé MIM comparé au procédé Binder Jetting [2/2]

En passant par la technologie de fabrication additive avec le Material Jetting , nous mettrons en évidence les avantages et les inconvénients du Jet de liant (Binder Jetting) et du Moulage par Injection de Métal.

Est-il préférable de compter sur une technologie déjà mature plutôt que d'investir dans une impression tridimensionnelle innovante?

Vous serez surpris par certaines des informations qu’on va vous révéler. On vous recommande de continuer à lire/la lecture.

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Le procédé MIM comparé au procédé Binder Jetting [1/2]

Le moulage par injection de métal (MIM) est une technologie mature utilisée pour la production à grande échelle de composants petits et complexes avec une haute précision et qui ne nécessitent pas de traitement ultérieur.

Quel est l'inconvénient/l’aspect negatif du Moulage par Injection de Métal?

Existe-t-il des alternatives?

On va regarder une technologie moins chère et plus polyvalente, le Jet de liant 3D (3D  Binder Jetting), en analysant les avantages et les inconvénients.

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